Commission Plus Reviews- The secret Of Money Making Machine

 #1 Email 

Subject - Transactions speak louder than words.

Email Content -    Lookie here;

$2500 in 1 day

$218.88 in 24 hours 

$431.58 in 1 day

$674.95 in 48 hours

$180.68 in 9 hours

$4483 in four days

$983.47 in less than 72 hours

$171.47 in one day

These are the commissions of 

students who learned and applied 

a simple method which needs 

no money for ads, no list and 

no experience.


No - most people do JACK 

with training they get.


Most certainly. 

If you want to start making money 

like the guys above then go grab 

The Commission Machine 2016 now 

from this special link;

Get Instant Access!


Rawat Ronaldo

#2 Email 

Subject - Broke newbie bags $296.88 in 48 hours using this 1 weird trick

Emial content -    

 Usually I'd shy away from 

"click-baity" headlines like this.

But usually headlines like this 

are a pile of steaming doo-daah.

This one ain't.

It's the real deal.

I know this newbie personally 

and saw this happen with my 

own eyes.

The best thing about it wasn't 

the fact he learned this 

cool new trick, or the money he 

made - but the look on his 

face when it happened.

You see he's got two young 

sons to support and this 

$296 kept the wolves at 

bay so he could focus on 

building his online business 

even more.

So what was the weird trick?


It's all revealed inside The 

Commission Machine 2016 and 

you can get it at a big discount 

so grab it right now;

#3 Emial

Subject -  EXPOSED: You won't believe how this struggling newbie makes $2500 a day

Email contant - 

He's just a kid really.

His name is Naidy Phoon and 

he lives in Malaysia.

He'd been "dabbling" in 

internet marketing for a 

few months and had 

managed to make a 

few dollars here and 

there but nothing much.

He saw the big potential 

in affiliate marketing but 

didn't have a massive list 

and wasn't getting hardly 

any commissions.

He thought it was the size 

of his list.

It wasn't.

It was the WAY he was 

doing affiliate marketing.

It was all wrong.

Naidy invested in the groundbreaking 

Commission Machine 2016 and he 

started making $1500 to $2500 a day, 

winning affiliate contests and basically 

kicking a truckload of proverbial 

butt online.


You're getting your hands 

on never-before-seen 

tactics here.

Grab your piece of this 

money-making action here; 

#4 Email 

subject - Struggling newbie vs. World Famous Guru: watch what happens next...

Email contant - 

This teenager made history.

He was up against some 

of the biggest household names 

in internet marketing.

It was an affiliate contest in 

one of the big product launches 

recently and nobody gave him 

a chance in hell.

He only had a tiny list.

He only had a few months' 


And he was practically a 

total no-namer online.

But he had a secret weapon.

At first it only worked 

slowly but gradually he began 

dominating the leaderboard.

He finished #1 beating some 

of the biggest, best and most 

famous internet marketers on 

the planet.

What did he do?

He used The Commission Machine 2016  

(you can see his story for yourself 

in his video on the page);

#5 Email 

Subject - BUSTED: Check out what I caught an affiliate doing

Email contant - 

This story starts a few 

years ago...

I was on Warrior Forum 

and saw a big name marketer 

doing a big launch on there.

There were big prizes up for 

grabs for the affiliates who 

made the most sales.

So people were coming up 

with smart (and not so smart) 

ways to get more sales.

One guy had the sheer 

ridonkulous audacity to 

stuff his affiliate link cookie 

into the entire thread on the 

forum as a hidden image.

This meant everyone seeing 

the offer on the Forum was 

instantly cookied as his sale.

The bandit.

But he was caught red-handed 

and was ejected from the IM Spaceship 

in an oxygen-free, windowless pod.

Affiliates get desperate.

And being desperate is okay 

as long as you channel it into 

doing good things.

So if you're desperate for 

big results, big commissions 

and big pay days don't resort 

to shady tactics.

Just grab the best tactics out 

there and a proven system 

which works like;

The Commission Machine 2016.

No shady tactics here, just 

battle-tested strategies which 

make you more money, fast;


#6 Email 

Subject - What The FACT!?

Email contant - 

Screw the hype.

Let's talk facts about The 

Commission Machine 2016;


Rakesh Kumar had a teeny weeny 

list and yet made $2000 in 4 days 

using the Commission Machine 2016 

method (this was before he became 

"famous" online).


Ben Shaffer rarely does affiliate 

promos (he runs a publishing business) 

but recently he ran one using the 

Commission Machine 2016 method.

He made $4483 in 4 days.


Robert Harris bought The Commission 

Machine and within 24 hours he'd 

made sales and landed in the Top 10 

of an affiliate contest.


Eric Green and Ray Dietrich used 

the Commission Machine method 

and banked a cool $983.47 in 

less than 72 hours.

So yeah - it works.

All you need to do is buy it, 

learn it and apply it.

You can do this even if you're 

a newbie with no list, no clue 

and no ad budget;

. "

#7 Email 

Subject - The Great Affiliate Marketing Hoax?

Email contant -

It sucks.

You check your affiliate stats 

every day and there, staring 

you in the face like a 

taunting wide-mouthed demon 

is the figure we all dread;



It doesn't take long until 

you start questioning the 

whole premise of affiliate 


Will this ever work?

Have I wasted all my time 

setting all this stuff up?

Why can't I make any 

money at this?

What am I missing?

I know a few burned people 

who actually believe the 

whole thing is a hoax.

Well I'm hear to tell you 

that while it's not always 

easy - it is definitely not 

a hoax either.

The difficulty lies in 

trying to adopt out-dated, 

"me-too" methods which 

the market is immune to.

Your affiliate marketing 

methods are like white noise 

to most prospects.

They're ignoring you.

And it hurts.

The solution is to do 

something new, something 

different and something 

which will get you noticed, 

get you clicks and get 

you sales.

They call it The Commission 

Machine 2016 and when you grab 

it through the special link below 

you'll get a huge discount.


#8 Email 

Subject - If you absolutely, positively must make 500 bucks in commissions in the next 30 days...

Email Contant - 

There's 1001 ways to skin a 

commission-creating cat.

You could throw a grand at ads.

You could employ someone to 

write articles for you.

You could spend the next 3 months 

creating YouTube videos.


You could just swipe and 

deploy a simple proven 

method which is already 

making $1442.29 per day.

I know which I'd rather do.

This is a BRAND NEW strategy 

never before released.

The guy behind it is so confident 

in it he knows you're gonna make 

$500 in the next 30 days when 

you use it.

Grab this now and start making money;

" .

# Email 9 

Subject - What your inbox says about you

Email Contant - 

I bet you've had at least 10 emails 

from marketers in the past 24 hours 

pitching you stuff right?

And yeah, yeah - I know I'm one of them.

But check this:-

The chances are - if you're constantly 

on the hunt for the "next big thing" then 

it just means you're feeling the pain 

of not making enough money.

You see;

When you have plenty commissions 

coming in it relieves the pressure 

and you don't have to be constantly 

worried about how to make ends 

meet or finding a solution to 

your problems.

But it can take months to get 

established, break the "chicken 

and egg" cycle and start making 

consistent income.

Until now.

I'm here to tell you something real 

important now;

If you've struggled to make meaningful 

money online and you want a proven 

blueprint to make $500 in the next 

30 days then you should grab this;

" . 

#10 Email 

Subject - What your inbox says about you

Email Contant - 

I bet you've had at least 10 emails 

from marketers in the past 24 hours 

pitching you stuff right?

And yeah, yeah - I know I'm one of them.

But check this:-

The chances are - if you're constantly 

on the hunt for the "next big thing" then 

it just means you're feeling the pain 

of not making enough money.

You see;

When you have plenty commissions 

coming in it relieves the pressure 

and you don't have to be constantly 

worried about how to make ends 

meet or finding a solution to 

your problems.

But it can take months to get 

established, break the "chicken 

and egg" cycle and start making 

consistent income.

Until now.

I'm here to tell you something real 

important now;

If you've struggled to make meaningful 

money online and you want a proven 

blueprint to make $500 in the next 

30 days then you should grab this;

# 11 Email 

Subject - Silence is NOT golden

Email Contant - 

Silence (from your prospects) 

truly sucks.

Because silence means they're 

not paying you attention.

And if they ain't paying you 

any attention then guess what?


They're not paying you any 

money either.

You want noise.

It's a true indicator of how 

well you're connecting with 

people on your list.

Do you get a ton of replies 

(and sales) every time you 

do an affiliate promo?

It's a great feeling.

To know you're connecting 

with people, helping people, 

touching people's lives and, 

of course, making a sweet 

bunch o' smackeroonies all 

at the same time.

It's easy done.

(If you know what you're doing.)

And Michael Cheney knows.

And now he's going to teach you 

how to copy this to make $500 in 

the next 30 days.

He's making $1442.29 a day with 

this newbie-friendly method which 

has NEVER been taught before;


# 12 Email 

Subject - Newbies vs. Gurus - World War III

Emial Contant - 

This time it's personal...

There's one thing which all 

gurus have in common and 

all newbies don't...

All gurus are making tons 

of money.

All newbies are not.

End result?

World War III...

Gurus saying "Yay look at our money".

And newbies saying "Screw you".

Now don't get me wrong;

None of this is being done with 

bad intent. It's just the way 

things are.

But there is a new method which 

has just come to light which lets 

you piggy-back on the success 

of expert product owners and 

make a ton of money without 

needing your own product.

You don't even need money 

for traffic with this thing.

You don't to be some kind 

of expert or guru either.

Your average Joe Schmoe can do 

this (and has).

I'm not even gonna try and 

do this thing justice in an email.

Suffice to say;

You need to grab this for yourself.

Especially because it works super well.


The guy who discovered this is 

making $1442.29 a day 365 days a 

year without spending one red cent 

on traffic.

And you can make $500 in the 

next 30 days with this thing - 

even if you're new.

Get yourself a piece of the money 

action and win the commissions war 

with the only "weapon" you'll 

ever need; 


# 13 Email 

Subject - The case for bombing the Warrior Forum

Email Contant - 

Stand well back, this could 

get messy... 


I don't wanna harm anyone 

and I am talking figuratively 

here, not literally, but there 

is definitely a case for bombing

the Warrior Forum.

Granted - there are some tiny 

pockets of intelligent life on there.

And it's totally not WF's fault.

But, in my opinion, most people 

on the Warrior Forum typify what's 

wrong with internet marketing;

Too much mental procrastination 

from "Wantrepreneurs".

They want success but they're 

all mouth and no trousers.

They want it.

But not enough to actually 

do anything about it.

They want it.

But not enough to get up 

early and stay up late to get it.

They want it.

But not enough to invest 

serious money and actually 

build a business. 

So they hop from one thing 

to the next, they rant, they 

critique, they talk a good game 

but ultimately they do, and 

achieve, very little.

I'm the opposite and I hope 

you are too. 

I do a lot.

That's what entrepreneur means - 

a do-er. 

This week I've been showing you 

an opportunity to get your hands 

on a simple newbie-friendly method 

to make $500 in the next 30 days.

But it ain't gonna fill your 

bank account unless you DO 

something first.


Get your entrepreneurial blood 

pumping and grab this easy $500 

method for yourself right now; 


#14 Email 

Subject -  A Whole Lot (Affiliate) Love

Email Contant - 

People love the idea 

of affiliate marketing.

They tell me on Facebook.

They tell me on Skype.

They tell me on Gmail.

They tell me on the phone.

Well this is great but you know what?

Love don't pay the piper.

You can love it all you like 

but if you're not doing it 

in the right way you're not 

gonna make squat.

But fortunately I know a guy 

who's cracked the code and is 

making a wagonload of Washingtons 

every day;

We're talking $1442.29 a day 

in commissions, 365 days a year.

And you can make at least $500 

in the next 30 days copying this 

easy method without a list, 

without any money for ads and 

without any experience.


Newbie-friendly 100%.

As The Beatles said;

"All you need is love."

(And this must-have training 

on how to become a rich affiliate)

#15 Email 

Subject - 3 ways to actually get money in the next 24 hours

Email Contant - 

Let's do this...

Way #1.

Go through your designated 

"crap drawer" at home, 

scramble down the back 

of the sofa and root thru 

your jacket pockets.

I guarantee you'll find 

enough chump change to 

buy a pizza (or at least 

a topping). 

Way #2.

Post a gig on Fiverr and 

sell your least favorite organ 

for $5. (I recommend the spleen 

- I've never been keen on it).

Way #3.

Apply the secret $500 in 30 days 

method revealed in this training;


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